
Mindfulness: The Benefits of Mindfulness Techniques for Anxiety

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts and feelings. It has been shown to have many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety. In this blog post, we will discuss mindfulness techniques that can be used to help manage anxiety. We will also explore how mindfulness can help you live a more peaceful and productive life! What is mindfulness? [d12b83c4-ee96-47bc-84be-d3e1aad5c10f.jpeg] Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, bodily sensations. It can be used as a therapeutic technique to help you relax and reduce stress. Mindfulness helps to calm anxiety as well. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, but the objective of every form is to induce a state of alert, focused relaxation by intentionally focusing on thoughts and feelings without bias. This helps the mind return to the present moment. An example of mindfulness in everyday life is taking the time to focus attention on the food you are eating: how it tastes, what it looks likes, and taking the time to truly enjoy the experience. The mind wanders so easily to strong emotions, negative self talk and negative thoughts. Practicing mindfulness meditation is a good way to bring you back to the present moment and see daily life for what it is. On top of that, it also promotes a more positive mental state. What are some techniques I can do to practice mindfulness? There are many mindfulness techniques that you can use to practice mindfulness. Some of these mindfulness practices include:[Image] 1. Focusing on your breath: Take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensation of your breath going in and out. Breathing exercises help you to ground yourself in the present moment and ease anxiety. 2. 3. Observing your thoughts: Notice your thoughts without judging them or getting caught up in them. Just let them come and go like clouds passing through the sky. This will help you to detach from your thoughts and negative emotions and reduce their power over you. 4. 5. Practicing gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the good things in your life, no matter how small. This will help you to focus on the positive and feel more calm and peaceful. Making a list of things you are grateful for can be a good mindfulness exercise to build on. How can mindfulness help anxiety? Mindfulness can help anxiety by teaching you how to detach from your thoughts and feelings. When you are able to observe your thoughts without getting caught up in them, they will have less power over you. Additionally, mindfulness can help you to focus on the present moment and appreciate the good things in your life. This will help you to feel more calm and peaceful. If you are struggling with anxiety, consider trying some mindfulness techniques! They may just be what you need to find relief.[Image] Anxiety can be all-consuming, leaving people feeling trapped in their thoughts and emotions. In contrast, mindfulness allows people to accept life as it is without worrying about potential negative outcomes or analyzing things too deeply. By incorporating mindfulness practices in your day to day life, there may be changes in anxiety and depression and its physical symptoms. As simple as paying attention could be, adapting mindfulness as a habit may create amazing improvements in your life. Anxiety is a debilitating condition that may sometimes require professional intervention to address. If you or someone you know is in need of therapeutic intervention for anxiety, do not hesitate to reach out to Mosaic Minds Counseling. 

Mariella Arceo

Sep 19, 2022

Social Anxiety Test - Do I have Social Anxiety?

Do you sweat when you enter a social environment? Are you afraid to say something wrong? Do you judge yourself often? Do you put together excuses for not interacting with people? If you said yes to almost everything above, your symptoms could be attributed to a social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorders are common across the US. This is a very common condition that affects millions of people each year. Luckily, there are treatments available that can help you overcome your social anxiety. In this blog post, we will discuss social anxiety tests and how they can help identify this condition. [Social anxiety disorders are common across the USA.] What is social anxiety? Social anxiety is characterized by a fear of social situations. This can include anything from attending a party to giving a presentation at work. People with social anxiety often worry about being judged or evaluated by others. They may also worry about embarrassing themselves or saying something wrong. As a result, they may avoid certain social situations altogether. Physical symptoms of social anxiety may include blushing, sweating, trembling or having a shaky voice. Feelings of shyness or dissatisfaction in certain situations aren't always indications of social anxiety disorder, particularly in children. Comfort levels in social gatherings vary based on personality features and past experiences. Some people are naturally reserved, while others are more outgoing. What is social anxiety disorder? Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear of social situations. People with SAD often worry about being judged negatively or evaluated by others. They may also worry about embarrassing themselves or saying something wrong. People with social anxiety disorder may also avoid social settings altogether.[Image] Social anxiety disorder is distinguished from normal everyday nervousness by the presence of fear, anxiety and avoidance which prevent sufferers from engaging in activities such as relationships, work or school. Social anxiety disorder typically begins during adolescence, though it can sometimes start earlier in childhood or later in adulthood. Based on the effects social anxiety has on an individual, personal relationships and one's mental health may take a toll. It is paramount to explore options to treat social anxiety disorder.  What are social anxiety tests? Social anxiety tests are designed to help identify social anxiety disorder. These tests usually include a series of questions about your symptoms and how they affect your life. They may also ask about your family history of mental health conditions. Social anxiety tests can be completed online or in-person with a mental health professional. How do social anxiety tests work? Social anxiety tests work by assessing your symptoms and how they interfere with your life. The results of the test can help determine if you have social anxiety disorder and what treatment options may be best for you. If you think you may have social anxiety, it is important to speak with a mental health professional to get an accurate diagnosis.[Image] There are many different types of social anxiety tests available. Some of the most common include the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN), the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), and the Social Anxiety Test for Adults (SATA). These tests can be completed online or in-person with a mental health professional. Do you think you may have social anxiety? If you are experiencing symptoms of social anxiety, it is important to speak with a mental health professional. They can administer a social anxiety test and help you get the treatment you need. There are many different types of treatments available for social anxiety and social anxiety disorder, so there is no need to suffer in silence. With the help of a mental health professional, you can overcome your social anxiety and other mental health disorders and live a happy and fulfilling life. If you or anyone you know is struggling with social anxiety or social anxiety disorder, do not hesitate to reach out to Mosaic Minds Counseling and get connected with out therapists. Mosaic Minds Counseling cares and is here for you. 

Mariella Arceo

Sep 10, 2022

Identifying and Dealing with Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in the United States. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States, or 18% of the population. It's important to understand what anxiety is and how to identify its symptoms so that you can get help if you need it. In this blog post, we will discuss what anxiety is, its symptoms, and how to deal with it. What does anxiety feel like? [Anxiety can fell overwhelming] Anxiety can cause a variety of physical and mental symptoms. These symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they can be short-term or long-term. Some common symptoms of anxiety include intense fear, excessive worry, having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom, increased heart rate, sweating, trembling or shaking, shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and headaches. Anxiety varies from person to person; some people may experience fewer symptoms of anxiety than other people and some people may feel it more intensely. It is important to understand that all feelings and variations of anxiety are valid. What causes anxiety? There is no one cause of anxiety. It is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some people may be born with a predisposition to anxiety, which means that they are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. This can be due to genes or brain chemistry. Additionally, daily life and stressful life events, such as a divorce or the death of a loved one, can trigger anxiety or make anxiety worse. What's the difference between anxiety and an anxiety disorder? Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience at times. It's what we feel when we're worried or nervous about something. An anxiety disorder is a more serious condition that can cause intense anxiety that interferes with daily life. Anxiety disorders require to be diagnosed by a mental health professional and have different kinds such as generalised anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and other phobias.  Anxiety disorders, and even just anxiety itself, are both debilitating conditions that can interfere with one's ability in everyday life. How do you calm anxiety? If you're feeling anxious, there are some things you can do to calm yourself down and relieve symptoms of anxiety. Some self-care strategies that can help reduce anxiety include deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga or stretching, journaling, spending time in nature and listening to calming music. [Image] One of the most common relaxation techniques is the 3-3-3- rule. The 3-3-3 rule is a simple breathing technique you can do when you feel anxious. To do the technique, breathe in slowly for three counts, hold your breath for three counts and exhale slowly for three counts. Not only is this technique good for anxiety but also for panic attacks, occasional anxiety, stress management and dealing with negative thoughts and troublesome feelings. How can I stop being anxious? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, there are some things you can do to manage your anxiety, like the ones mentioned in this blog post. [Image] If your anxiety is severe or is interfering with your mental health and your ability to function, it's important to seek professional help. A therapist can work with you to identify the root cause of your anxiety and develop a treatment plan. Treatment options for anxiety include therapy, anti anxiety medications, or a combination of both. If you're struggling with anxiety, don't hesitate to reach out for help . There are many resources available to you. Remember, you are not alone. Mosaic Minds Counseling is here for you. If you or anyone you know is struggling with dealing with anxiety or anxiety disorders, do not hesitate to reach out. Together, we can manage symptoms of anxiety for a better, more positive mental health. 

Mariella Arceo

Sep 06, 2022

Everything you need to know about Panic Attacks: What it is, what it feels, and how to deal with it

Do you feel like you're having a heart attack? Do you feel like you can't breathe? Are your chest muscles tight and sore? If so, then you may be experiencing a panic attack. A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror that can last for minutes or hours. It's accompanied by physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and dizziness. In this blog post, we will discuss what panic attacks are, what they feel like, and how to deal with them. What are panic attacks? [Panic attacks can be debilitating] A panic attack is an unexpected and brief episode of intense anxiety, which causes the physical sensations of intense fear. These can include a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling and muscle tension. A panic attack may last from a few minutes to half an hour; however, the physical and emotional effects can sometimes last for several hours afterwards. If left untreated by a mental health professional, panic attacks can be debilitating and can easily take control of everyday life, threatening social relationships as one may avoid situations that they feel might trigger panic attacks. It's been said that panic attacks are a result of the body activating its fight or flight response. This response body releases hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which increase heart rate and blood pressure. This response prepares the body for physical action, either to fight the impending doom or to flee from it. What do panic attacks typically feel like? Panic attacks are feelings of extreme anxiety. While panic attacks can vary in intensity, they share some common symptoms. The symptoms are not dangerous but can be frightening and overwhelming. The symptoms of panic attacks can include shortness of breath, chest pain, heart palpitations, sweating, trembling or shaking, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, nausea or stomach pain and feeling detached from reality or like you're going crazy. Panic attacks can last somewhere between 5 to 20 minutes. How can I handle panic attacks? It is important to realize that panic attacks are caused by overwhelming anxiety and are not an indicator of an actual harm happening. It is helpful to always be reminded that panic attacks will pass and are not life threatening. "Riding the wave" of the panic attack than finding a distraction is helpful as it gives the opportunity to face the fear and see that their is no immediate harm. As the anxiety begins to lessen, focus on your surroundings and continue to perform the same activities that you were undertaking before.[Image] During unexpected panic attacks, it can also be helpful to have someone you trust with you to reassure that everything is alright and that the symptoms of panic disorder will pass. Deep breathing exercises can also help to ease the symptoms. Closing your eyes while slowly inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth may help you feel better in a few minutes. Counting steadily is a technique used by some that can be of help as well. Is it panic disorder? If you're constantly stressed and worried about the next panic attack, you may be experiencing panic disorder. This anticipatory anxiety may compel you to avoid situations that you feel may cause panic attacks. There are no quick fixes to panic disorder but treatment can be helpful in managing its debilitating symptoms. Contact your GP if you are experiencing symptoms of panic disorder. Medical advice is always helpful to rule out other possible conditions and manage symptoms. In conclusion, knowing information on panic attacks and panic disorder symptoms can be helpful to lessen the debilitating effects it has on one's life. By being informed and seeking proper treatment, it becomes possible to manage panic attacks and its effects. Now, future attacks do not have to be the center of your life.  If you or anyone you know is dealing with panic attacks or panic disorder, do not hesitate to reach out to Mosaic Mind Counseling to get connected with our therapists. Mosaic Minds Counseling cares.

Mariella Arceo

Sep 06, 2022

What Therapy Is, How It Works, and How It Can Help Your Mental Health

If you're like most people, you probably think of therapy as a last resort. You only go to therapy if everything else has failed and you're at your wit's end. But what if we told you that therapy could be the first step on the road to recovery? That it could help you deal with your mental health issues before they get out of hand? In this blog post, we will discuss what therapy is, how it works and how it can help improve your mental health! What is therapy? [therapy is beneficial for you] Psychotherapy, or therapy, is a process of self-exploration and discovery. It creates a supportive environment where clients can talk about their thoughts in an open and honest manner. It is a way to understand your thoughts, feelings and behaviors in order to make changes in your mental health and in the long run, your life. Therapy is facilitated by a trained mental health professional and can be done with an individual, family members or a group. It can also be done in person, over the phone or online and can be short-term or long-term. Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all process; there are many types of psychotherapy, all of which can be adjusted to fit a client's goals and needs. Types of therapy may include group therapy, supportive psychotherapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy, to name a few. Therapy does not choose nor does it discriminate; it is available for all ages who need help with mental health, emotional health, emotional distress and other conflicts. How does therapy work? Therapy works by helping the patient to understand their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The therapist will help the patient to identify negative thought patterns and beliefs that are causing them distress. Together, they will work on changing these negative thoughts and beliefs into more positive ones. The therapist will also teach the patient new communication skills and coping strategies to help them deal with difficult situations.[Image] Therapy is a collaboration between the client and the therapist; the success of therapy sessions rely on each other's trust, honesty and cooperation. What happens during a therapy session? In a nutshell, each session is a problem-solving session. You explain your present situation and feelings about it to the therapist, after which he or she uses their experience to help you attempt to solve the issue so that you may get closer to having the life you desire.[Image] During a therapy session, you will talk with your therapist about what is going on in your life and how you are feeling. You will also work together to set goals for therapy and create a plan to achieve those goals. The therapist will help you to understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so that you can make positive changes in your life. The first session is about establishing a client-therapist relationship. Your therapist will invite you to talk about what is bothering you or anything that you would like to work on in therapy. This is a special conversation between you and your therapist as you are free to talk about anything you like with full honesty; anything you want or need to say is alright. Your therapist can also give you "homework," to complete after therapy sessions; something that you can work on by yourself. During the next session, you can discuss your progress with your therapist, your thoughts, and areas you might have struggled with. How long does therapy last? Therapy is whatever a client needs it to be - one session, a few sessions a couple of times a week, etc. Sometimes, therapy can just be an honest, brave conversation. It all depends on what the client's goals are and their comfort to proceed and follow through with their therapist. Why can't I just see friends or family members?[Image] Sharing your thoughts and troubles to those in your circle is completely valid, especially if you feel more comfortable as these are people you already know and trust. Their insight can be helpful, however, they may not always be objective as personal biases can get in the way. This is why working with a therapist may be so helpful. It's an opportunity to express everything you're thinking and feeling, as well as what you want to create, without being interrupted, forced to worry about other people's concerns or told that you're "wrong" or "cannot." A therapy session is a place where you don't have to worry about hurting someone else's feelings—you can be completely honest. It also implies that you'll be able to solve difficulties more quickly and successfully in the long term. In the end, it's better for you, as well as everyone else involved in your life. How do I choose the right therapist for me? Choosing the right therapist is just like choosing any other service provider. It is a good idea to do research - visit their web site, do a quick search on the internet, and ask friends and family for recommendations. There are therapists with specialized training in certain areas. For example, there are marriage and family therapists who specialize in dealing with marital and familial concerns. With the right research, you will be able to find a trained professional who can cater to your needs and make you feel comfortable to work on your goals. Do I have to be "sick" to see a therapist? A stigma surrounding therapy sessions is that it's for mentally disturbed individuals, or "crazy" people. This could not be any further from the truth.[Image] Therapy is for anyone and everyone that needs emotional support, new coping skills, interpersonal skills, assistance coping with everyday life, etc. It is for anyone that is seeking treatment and needs someone to talk in a safe, judgement-free space. There is no set criteria for people to attend therapy; you can seek help from mental health professionals for the betterment of your peace and mental health. So as you can see, therapy sessions are whatever it is the client needs it to be. Rest assured that after therapy, you will be a healthier individual with a more positive mental health and a better sense of self awareness. If you or anyone you know is looking to start therapy, do not hesitate to get connected with us. Mosaic Minds Counseling is here for you. 

Mariella Arceo

Sep 06, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Family Therapy: What It Is, How It Works, and What It Could Help With

Family therapy is a form of counseling that helps families work through issues together. This type of therapy can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, such as improving communication within the family, resolving conflicts, and dealing with mental health issues. In this blog post, we will discuss what family therapy is, how it works, and some of the benefits that it can provide. What is family therapy? [Therapy is an opportunity for the entire family.] Family therapy is a type of psychological counseling that deals with solving family problems, family functioning, family structure, family patterns, and family dynamics. It also helps families improve communication and be a healthy, functional family with better family relationships. Family therapy is provided by mental health professionals such as family therapists and marriage and family therapists that specialize in dealing with familial and marital problems. Family therapy may involve all family members or just one family member. It is usually short term and depends on the situation of the family. Even after you've finished therapy sessions, family therapy sessions can help you learn how to strengthen relationships and get through difficult times. Why is family therapy done?[Image] Family therapy offers the entire family the opportunity to resolve conflicts, set healthy boundaries, and a chance for a better functioning home environment. Family therapy offers families an environment to address specific issues as well, such as a child's behavior, substance abuse, and the family's mental health. If a member of the family is struggling with mental health problems, family therapy can help the family cope while the affected family member is focused on their mental health treatment. The effectiveness of family therapy depends on the intensity and duration of the conflict. It may assist you, as well as your family members, in better understanding one another and learning coping methods to bind you closer together. How does family therapy work? As mentioned previously, family therapy may involve the whole family, but may also only involve just several family members and even only one individual. A typical therapy session may last 50 minutes to an hour. It is also usually short term but will depend on the family's goals and progress.[Image] During this time, family members are invited to open up about their troubles. Family therapy is a safe, judgement-free and problem solving environment where members of the family can open up without worry of consequences. During family therapy, the family solves problems, expresses thoughts and concerns, explores family roles and identifies issues and strengths.  This is an opportunity for the family to strengthen their relationships and eliminate family issues. Does going to family therapy mean that our family is dysfunctional?[Image] Part of the misconceptions of therapy sessions is that families who seek help from mental health professionals are "crazy" or "dysfunctional" when in fact, it is nothing like that at all! Family therapy exists to help families become a stronger, functional family system with healthier family functions. It becomes whatever the family needs it to be, not what other people deem it to be as.  Family therapy may be a good opportunity to bring your family closer together and stronger than ever. If you or anyone you know is looking to start family therapy, do not hesitate to get connected at Mosaic Minds Counseling cares and is here for you and your family. 

Mariella Arceo

Aug 13, 2022

Children's Therapists: Why They're Important and How to Find One

Did you know that children need therapy too? It's not just for adults! Children go through a lot of changes during their development, and sometimes they need a little extra help to process these changes. That's where children's therapists come in. They can help children learn how to cope with difficult emotions, life changes and situations. If you're looking to understand what child therapists are and how to find one to ensure your child's mental health, this blog post is for you. [Therapy is a means for your child to be their best selves.] What does a child therapist do? A child therapist is a licensed mental health professional who specializes in working with children. They provide therapy to children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. Not only that, child therapists also assess and evaluate for mental illness, behavioral disorders and emotional and cognitive issues, and provide intervention and intervention programs to ensure the healthy development of your child. Child therapists use play therapy, art therapy, and other creative techniques to help children express themselves and work through their issues. Other techniques may also include behavioral therapy, parent-child interaction therapy, and occupational therapy, among others. Why do children need therapy? Children go through a lot of changes during their development, and sometimes they need a little extra help to process these changes. Your little one could be dealing with feelings, stress, anxiety, school problems, family problems, health problems, and other stressful situation that can be too much for you child to process. That's where children's therapists come in. They can help children learn how to cope with difficult emotions and situations as a child therapist is specially trained to understand the needs of your little one. [Image] The emotional and cognitive processes of a child are different from adolescents and adults, hence the need for a professional that is trained to work with children. How does therapy work? Many children learn best through doing in therapy sessions. This entails collaborating with the entire family, drawing, playing, and talking with younger kids. Therapists can also provide activities and suggestions to help older children master their skills. They work through concerns and solve difficulties together. Therapists provide encouragement and praise as children learn. They assist youngsters in believing in themselves and recognizing their talents. Therapy establishes positive thought patterns and good behavioral habits. A therapist may either meet with the child and parent together or independently. It is dependent on the child's age. A therapist might also meet with a parent to provide pointers and advice on how to support their kid at home. What's the difference between a child therapist and a child psychologist? [Image] The terms therapist and psychologists are often used interchangeably, but the two terms are both used for two different professionals. While they both share the same goal for your child, both have different functions, hence the importance to understand the distinctions between the two to know which professional help to seek.  A psychologist is a person who has received specialized training in one or more forms of therapy and applies that knowledge to treat mental illnesses. The word "psychologist" is sometimes used interchangeably with "psychotherapist" in the context of mental health. A child psychologist, for example, specializes in working with children. Child psychologists receive specialized training on how to administer tests that identify neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD and learning difficulties such as ADHD. [Image] A therapist is a more general term for people who have undergone rigorous training and are often licensed, to give a variety of therapies and rehabilitation to clients. The aim of a therapist is for patients to be able to make decisions and express their feelings in order to solve difficulties. Therapists aid patients in making good decisions while also assisting them in receiving the appropriate levels of treatment and support. How do I start therapy for my child? If you're looking for a children's therapist, the best place to start is with your child's pediatrician. They can give you some referrals to local therapists who specialize in working with children. You can also ask friends or family members if they know of any good children's therapists in your area.  Once you have some names, you can look up each therapist online and read reviews from other parents. When you've found a few that look promising, give them a call and set up an initial consultation. This is a great opportunity to meet the therapist and see if they're a good fit for your child. [Image] You can also ask your friends or family if they know of any good children's therapists in your area. Another option is to search online for children's therapists in your area. Once you've found a few options, you can call and ask about their qualifications and experience. You should also make sure that the therapist is licensed by the state in which they practice. Does my child really need therapy services? [Image] Parents are the first determinants of their children's mental state and should be the ones to decide whether their children need immediate help. Therapy is a means to help your child achieve a happy life and be their best selves and when your little one is at their best, this radiates unto the whole family. Don't be afraid to discuss your concerns with the therapist. Talk to your child therapist today to explore treatment options for your child as their health always comes first.  In these early stages of your child's life, the power to transform their life is in your hands. 

Mariella Arceo

Aug 01, 2022

Panic Attacks vs Anxiety Attacks: What's the difference?

Do you know the difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks? If not, you are not alone. A lot of people don't know the difference, because the two terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is a big difference between the two. In this blog post, we will discuss what anxiety attacks and panic attacks are, and how they differ from each other. [Panic Attacks] What are panic attacks? Panic attacks are sudden, intense episodes of fear or anxiety. They usually peak within minutes, and can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Symptoms of panic attacks typically include heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, trembling, and dizziness, among many others. Some people also experience mental symptoms during a panic attack, such as a fear of losing control, going crazy, or dying. Panic attacks can be very frightening, and may even lead to a feeling of being detached from reality. What are anxiety attacks? Anxiety attacks are similar to panic attacks in that they are also sudden, intense episodes of fear or anxiety. However, anxiety attacks do not always peak within minutes, and can last for hours or even days. Anxiety attacks also typically involve physical symptoms such as racing heartbeat, a choking feeling, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sweating, trembling, and dizziness. However, the mental symptoms experienced during an anxiety attack are different from those experienced during a panic attack. [Image] With an anxiety attack, people may feel a sense of impending doom or danger, but they do not usually feel detached from reality. What's the difference between an anxiety and a panic attack? The main difference is that panic attacks tend to be more intense and happen more suddenly than anxiety attacks. Panic attacks also usually peak within minutes, while anxiety attacks can last for hours or even days. Both types of episodes can be very frightening, and may involve physical and mental symptoms. If you are experiencing repeated panic attacks and anxiety attacks, it is important to seek professional help. What triggers panic attacks and anxiety attacks? There are many different things that can trigger a panic or anxiety attack. For some people, it may be a specific situation, such as being in a crowded place or riding on an airplane. For others, there may be no obvious trigger. Panic and anxiety attacks can also be caused by stress, illness, or certain medications. If you have panic or anxiety attacks, it is important to talk to your doctor to find out what might be causing them. How can one deal with anxiety and panic attacks? If you have anxiety or panic attacks, there are some things that you can do to help manage them. First, it is important to identify your triggers and try to avoid them if possible. If you cannot avoid your triggers, try to desensitize yourself to them by exposure therapy. Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing yourself to your trigger in a safe and controlled environment. This can help you learn to cope with your trigger and may eventually lessen the intensity of your anxiety or panic attacks. Second, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or meditation can also help. These techniques can help you calm down during an anxiety or panic attack and prevent future episodes from occurring. [Image] Finally, it is important to seek professional help if you are having difficulty managing your anxiety or panic attacks. A mental health professional can help you identify your triggers and develop a treatment plan to manage your symptoms and prevent unexpected panic attacks in the future. Anxiety and panic attacks can be very frightening, but there are things that you can do to manage them. If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks, please seek medical help. With the right treatment, you can learn to control your anxiety and live a normal, healthy life. You don't have to let overwhelming anxiety, intense fear or a traumatic event take control of your everyday life any further. Mosaic Minds Counseling cares about your mental health. symptoms. Don't hesitate to reach out and get connected with our therapists to explore the best treatment plan for you. 

Mariella Arceo

Jul 12, 2022

Exposure Response Prevention: What is it and how does it work?

Exposure response prevention, also known as exposure therapy or exposure response prevention therapy, is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy used to treat anxiety disorders. It works by exposing people to the things that scare them in a controlled and safe environment. This allows people to face their fears without feeling overwhelmed or panicked. In this blog post, we will discuss what exposure response prevention is and how it works. We will also talk about the benefits of exposure response prevention therapy and who can benefit from it. What is exposure response prevention? Exposure therapy was first developed in the 1950s as a treatment for phobias. It has since been found to be effective in treating other anxiety disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Exposure therapy works by helping people to confront their fears and learn new, more adaptive ways of responding to them. Exposure therapy is usually conducted with the help of a therapist, who will work with you to gradually exposure yourself to your fear. The therapist will also teach you how to manage your anxiety and cope with your fear in a healthy way. Exposure therapy has been found to be an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. In one study, exposure therapy was found to be more effective than relaxation training in treating people with PTSD. exposure therapy has also been found to be effective in treating OCD. A review of studies found that exposure therapy was more effective than medication in treating OCD. Avoidance reinforces fear In addition, exposure therapy helps minimize fear and reinforces the fears that arise. It's important because avoiding anything we're afraid of sends an enormous warning to our brains that there are good causes of such fears and that our brains are incapable of responding to them. Let's consider a case study on how exposure promotes habitual behavior. What is an example of exposure and response prevention? An example of exposure therapy is a case of an individual with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms. OCD has obsessions, which are intrusive thoughts, images and urges that cause anxiety and distress. Compulsions are a response to these obsessions that individuals with OCD perform to ease their distressing thoughts about their obsessions. Take for example a man with germ-contamination fears who is obsessed with keeping clean by performing hour-long cleaning rituals. Applying exposure response prevention to this case could be making the individual shake hands, the exposure, without being followed up by hand washing, the response prevention. [Exposure Therapy] Habituation: The backbone of exposure therapy Exposed-based treatment uses the habituation process. Habituation occurs in people who have been exposed repeatedly to the stimulus or stop responding and paying the attention to the stimulus. The entire human experience is filled with habit. Often people will be aggravated by the noise of a busy highway near the home. Each and every day the sounds on a road fade to a quiet silence before being noticed. The person becomes comfortable with the sound of the highway. How long does it take for ERP therapy to work? On average, an individual may see results after 12-20 sessions of repeated exposure therapy but results still depend on the severity of the case. Of course, everyone has different cases and may respond differently to ERP therapy; some may respond quicker and some may have a slower response. In a study conducted in 2019, exposure and response prevention therapy has been shown to have clinically significant improvement in OCD symptoms in 50-60% of patients. This shows that ERP works. If you or somebody you know could benefit from the effects of ERP therapy, do not hesitate to reach out to Mosaic Minds Counseling. Your worst fears do not have to control your life, they can end at your therapist's office. It all starts with deciding that you want to reach out to a therapist.

Mariella Arceo

Jun 23, 2022

What's the Difference Between Eustress and Distress

“There is no such thing as a stress-free life. No evidence has ever been presented which suggests that a stress-free life can ever be achieved. Stress can be managed, relieved and lessened, but never eliminated.” —Gudjon Bergmann Have you ever heard of the terms "eustress" and "distress?" Many people use these words interchangeably, but they actually have very different meanings. In this blog post, we will discuss the difference between eustress and distress and explain how each one can affect your life. We will also provide tips on how to manage both types of stress. What is stress? [Distress vs. Eustress] Everyday tasks may create taxing demands and stress is simply our body's response to those demands. During this response, the body produces stress hormones that activate the body's fight or flight response which helps us during dangerous situations. Sometimes, stress response is useful in pushing us to get things done. Contrary to popular belief, not all stress is negative stress. Because we use "stress" as a description for negative situations, this leads to the idea that stress has purely negative affective outcomes when the reality is the complete opposite. Is there negative stress and a positive stress? The answer is...yes! There is negative stress and positive stress. The terms for these are called eustress and distress. Good stress is called eustress is caused by positive personal stressors. It may be a promotion, buying a home, marriage, vacations, holidays, etc. Positive stress has positive effects; it focuses energy, improves performance, and motivates, among other positive outcomes. [Image] Negative stress, on the other hand, is called distress and is caused by negative personal stressors such as the death of a loved one, injury, separation, sleep problems, excessive job demands etc. As a result, distress may cause anxiety, negative emotions, decreased performance and mental and physical problems. Everybody experiences stress differently; what one perceives to be a positive or negative personal stressor may not be the same to the next person. An individual's stress response may vary too as everyone has different coping abilities and ideas of stressful events. Some may experience stresses more intensely than others. How can I deal with stress? There are a few different ways that you can manage stress. First, you can try relaxation techniques. There are many relaxation techniques available online you can try and adopt to your everyday routine to reduce stress levels. [Image] Second, you can exercise. Physical activity has been known to release "happy hormones" and increase self-confidence, improve your mood, help you relax, and lower symptoms of mild depression and anxiety. It may induce positive stress, hence inducing positive feelings. Third, give yourself breaks. Breaks are needed in daily life to combat bad stress. Enjoy a short walk, your favorite book, or whatever it is that sparks joy in you. By giving yourself short breaks, you are doing your mental health and well being a favor. Lastly, spend time with friends and family. Your interpersonal relationships can make all the difference in your day to day life. Surround yourself with people that bring positive emotions and positive experiences in your life. If you are experiencing distress, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. Mosaic Minds Counseling is here to help if you or someone you know is struggling with stress.

Jessica Bell

Jun 08, 2022